I have an iPad 4 and this is the only application that I have purchased, that crashes like this. I have cleared my app cache, restarted my iPad, nothing works for me. Every time that I click on this application in an attempt to open it, it immediately proceeds to crash and bring me right back to my home screen where I started. When I first purchased the app, I recall actually being able to get into the app and use it.
So, I do not know what the developer has done to angle the app this poorly. But, I know they appear to ave completely abandoned the application, as there has not been an update in many months. I would highly suggest to pass up buying this app, or at least hold off for now and check back later to see if they have come back and fixed all of these huge problems. I will never understand a developer who is willing to take someones hard earned money, and not do everything in their power to keep the purchased application up and running.
This is what happens when the world no longer has morals and ethics, and a sense of honor. Besides, I believe that you would do a lot better with other Synth apps such as Nave, Alchemy, Thor, et cetera. They cost more but at least they usually are maintained and updated.
Joshua D. about SynthStation, v3.2